
Out now: Special Issue of Foucault Studies on Discipline and Punish Today
All conferences yearn to become published - and ours is no different: From the conference “Überwachen und Strafen heute” that I organized together with Jörg Bernardy at the University of Bremen in 2015, a small selection of articles has now been published in the journal Foucault Studies.
Out now: Special Issue of *Foucault Studies* on Discipline and Punish Today
The Birth of Austerity
Together with Thomas Biebricher I have put together a rather special edited volume: The Birth of Austerity. German Ordoliberalism and Contemporary Neoliberalism provides key texts from core thinkers of ordoliberalism, some of them translated into English for the first time, and features four original analyses that show why ordoliberalism is back on the agenda for critics and defenders alike.
The Birth of Austerity