
Wer nicht twittern kann…
… schreibt über Twitter: Genau das habe ich in Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie getan. Mein kleiner Essay über die agitatorische Logik digitaler Öffentlichkeiten, die ich mithilfe einiger anachronistischer Überlegungen zum Propagandabegriff entwickele, basiert auf dem Vortrag zu Propaganda, den ich für das Corona-Glossar des Frankfurter Arbeitskreises für Politische Theorie und Philosophie gehalten habe.
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Video of My Talk “Radikal emanzipatorisch. Vernunftkritik als kritische Theorie”
If you have missed my talk “Radikal emanzipatorisch. Vernunftkritik als kritische Theorie” from the lecture series “100 Jahre Soziologie an der Goethe-Universität”, you can now watch it online in a video.
Video of My Talk “Radikal emanzipatorisch. Vernunftkritik als kritische Theorie”
Article in WestEnd 2/2019
The new issue 2/2019 of WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung features my article “Fighting with Untruth. Why a Critique of Reason Remains Necessary” [in German]. It grew out of the talk that I gave almost exactly a year ago in the lecture series “Frankfurter Positionen 2018/19”.
Article in *WestEnd* 2/2019
Interview on Politics and Truth
The journal diskurs just published an interview with me by Clelia Minnetian and Janosik Herder. It is mostly about the relationship between politics and truth and what that means for post-structuralist social sciences.
Video of my talk “Fighting with Untruth. The Actuality of a Critique of Reason” [in German]
If you have missed my talk or want to see it again, there is now a video. There are further existing talks in the lecture series “Frankfurter Positionen 2018/19” which you can finde on the
Video of my talk “Fighting with Untruth. The Actuality of a Critique of Reason” [in German]
CfP: Democracy and Truth

Martin Nonhoff and I are organising the spring conferecne of the DVPW-Section Political Theory and History of Ideas in March 2019. The conference topic (and title) is “Democracy and Truth”. You can find the call for papers by clicking on “Read more” or

  <a href="/public/post/2018/2018_03_06_cfp_demokatie_wahrheit/cfp_demokratie_und_wahrheit.pdf">download it as a PDF</a>

. Both are in German, though, as this will be the conference language.