Michel Foucault’s Philosophy
My work on Michel Foucault is mostly systematically motivated: On the one hand, I am interested in the specific conception of (political) philosophy resulting from Foucault’s methodological perspective. Instead of reducing his methodology to discourse analysis, an ‘analytic of power’ or an investigation of processes of subjectivation, I see as its common core of all of Foucault’s works his methodological perspective which I attempt to reconstruct as nihilistic, nominalistic and historicistic.
On the other hand, I am interested in Foucault’s proposal for a non-relativistic ‘History of Truth’. Although he never quite managed (or cared) to fully explicate either the conceptual problems of this undertaking or what he saw as solutions to these, Foucault’s relentless pursuit of a ‘History of Truth’ defines the form of his philosophy.
Further aspects of his work which I have worked on include Foucault’s concept of critique and his analysis of neoliberalism in the governmentality lectures.