Series Cover

Philosophie & Kritik. Beiträge zur politischen Philosophie und Kritischen Theorie

The book series is published by Campus (before 2023 by Springer VS). It aims at contributions that differ from the traditional books in practical and political philosophy by understanding themselves to be politically engaged philosophy in a triple sense:

(1) They aim at the political, that is the taken-for-granted concepts that form the basis of our political thinking and acting. The reduce political philosophy neither to reflections of given institutional structures nor to moral philosophy. They are politically engaged philosophy.

(2) They understand political philosophy as a reflection of social practices which is itself part of these practices. Philosophy is neither beyond politics nor history but a historically informed self-understanding of the present and its struggles that strives for emancipation. They are politically engaged philosophy.

(3) Yet the insist on still being politically engaged philosophy: They combine conceptual work with debates from the philosophical tradition and the transformation of our political imagination.

Published Titles in the Series

Henrike Kohpeiß: Bürgerliche Kälte. Affekt und koloniale Subjektivität. Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus, 2023.

Paul Sörensen: Präfiguration. Zur Politizität einer transformativen Praxis. Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus, 2023.

Lisa Mattutat: Emanzipation und Gewalt. Feministische Rechtskritik mit Karl Marx, Jacques Derrida und Gilles Deleuze. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022.

Frieder Vogelmann (Hg.): „Fragmente eines Willens zum Wissen". Michel Foucaults Vorlesungen 1970 - 1984. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020.

Viktor Kempf: Exodus oder dialektische Negation. Paradigmen der Kapitalismuskritik im Widerstreit. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019.

Marina Martinez Mateo: Politik der Repräsentation. Zwischen Formierung und Abbildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018.


Julia Christ, chargée de recherche in Philosophie am Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Paris

Daniel Loick, Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam

Titus Stahl, Assistant Professor at the faculty for philosophy at the university of Groningen

Frieder Vogelmann, Interim Professor for Sociology with Focus on the History and Systematics of Social Sciences at Goethe-University Frankfurt


Please write us via e-mail if I you like to offer us a manuscript for the book series.