In the new issue on “crime” of metamorphosen, you will find a short polemical piece against crime fiction. Why? The short answer is that the genre intends to prevent solidarity with criminals and their crimes. I do have a longer answer, complete with reasons and arguments, but it won’t fit in a simple post. You can find it in the journal though.
Martin Nonhoff and I are organising the spring conferecne of the DVPW-Section Political Theory and History of Ideas in March 2019. The conference topic (and title) is “Democracy and Truth”. You can find the call for papers by clicking on “Read more” or download it as a PDF . Both are in German, though, as this will be the conference language.
This workshop (in German) will take place on 31 January 2018 at the university of Erfurt. Katharina Hoppe will give a talk on “Wahrsprechen und Bezeugen: Politik der Wahrheit nach Michel Foucault und Donna Haraway”; my own presentation is entitled “Auf Kritik reflektieren. Zur Praxis kritischer Theorien”.