
Interview with Jan Groos of *Future Histories*

Jan Groos has a podcast “for expanding our ideas of te future,” appropriately named Future Histories. In the last episode, I was invited to speak about my project alternative governmentalities. However, I would also recommand listening to all the other interesting episodes!

Interview with Jan Groos of  *Future Histories*
Interview on the Mistaken Diagnosis “Post-Truth”

There is a short interview with me published in the [special issue of the Philosophie Magazin devoted to Michel Foucault] ( With Catherine Newmark, I discuss the popular but wrong idea that Foucault or the heterogenous group of “postmodern” thinkers are characterized by contempt for truth or even for the often diagnosed surge in untruth in politics today.

Interview on the Mistaken Diagnosis “Post-Truth”
Conference “Philosophie, Kritik, Geschichte” in Frankfurt, 30/31 July 2019 [in German]

Zusammen mit Martin Saar organisiere ich einen Workshop zu Foucaults historisch-philosophischer Praxis, die exemplarisch in seinen 13 Vorlesungen am Collège de France sichtbar wird. Der volle Titel lautet: “Philosophie, Kritik, Geschichte: Foucaults historisch-philosophische Praxis in den Vorlesungen”.

Conference “Philosophie, Kritik, Geschichte” in Frankfurt, 30/31 July 2019 [in German]
Interview on Politics and Truth

The journal diskurs just published an interview with me by Clelia Minnetian and Janosik Herder. It is mostly about the relationship between politics and truth and what that means for post-structuralist social sciences.

New Article “The Problem of Post-Truth” in *Behemoth*

My essay “The Problem of Post-Truth” has just been published in Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation. I argue that the diagnosis of a “post-truth era” is wrong and dangerous. Yet its popularity attests to the fact, that the diagnosis strikes a nerve. So what is that problem that gives rise to the wrong diagnosis of a “post-truth era” yet is not correctly understood by the diagnosis?

New Article “The Problem of Post-Truth” in *Behemoth*